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Jual Headset Bluetooth Samsung V8

Jual Headset Bluetooth Samsung V8
Rp 89.999

Lutfi Grosir, Pusat Grosir Headset Bluetooth Samsung V8 Murah | Harga grosir Headset Bluetooth Samsung V8 Warna | Jual Headset Bluetooth Samsung V8 Grosir Murah | Agen Headset Bluetooth Samsung V8 Termurah | Pusat Headset Bluetooth Samsung V8 Jakarta Bandung Surabaya Semarang Malang Medan Manado Pontianak | Distributor Headset Bluetooth Samsung V8 Asli Murah Kupang Jayapura Lombok Denpasar Aceh Bekasi tangerang Dll.

Headset Bluetooth Samsung V8 Voyager Legend

Voice Command ( Say "YES" to answer call and "NO" to reject call )
Voice Info ( menyebutkan nomer panggilan yg masuk)
A2DP (untuk mendengarkan music)
Tombol On/OFF, Volume, Next (for music player), Answer/No
LED Indicator
Talking Time : up to 6hrs
Standby Time : up to 300 hrs
Charging time: up to 1.5hrs

Untuk sekarang tidak dapat Headset tambahan !!
Headset Bluetooth


N.B: Setiap pembelian akan kita coba dahulu, untuk memastikan unit berjalan dengan baik

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Langsung Kirim Ke 0857.9996.8786 (Lutfi)

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